
WeCrest Ltd

Address: B1, 211 Hwarang-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02772, South Korea.
Phone: +82 10 3224 8560

We are an IP Tech Company with a strong foundation in cloud-computing, databases, and Big Data, coupled with 20 years of IP expertise. Already market leader in trademark client development software with plans to branch out.

Find the clients with the Madrid cases. Using WeCrest Analytics tools, you will know which firms have just received a provisional Madrid trademark refusal from your local IP office, allowing you to provide immediate assistance for the case. The latest Madrid Analytics tools let you generate rankings of the clients with the most cases in your jurisdiction, analyse filing behaviour of holders and their representatives, view all of the provisional refusal notices issued in the Madrid System, contact holders and representatives directly with our fully integrated emailing tool, and more.


Team Members

Benjamin Morris


Pascal Moungouango

Sales & Marketing Director

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