The Trademark Lawyer
The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is a ‘need to read’ publication for all trademark professionals. Published bi-monthly in both hard copy and electronically via interactive PDF and the latest page turning software, The Trademark Lawyer Magazine has a readership of over 47,500 IP professionals around the world.
The readership is split between in-house trademark counsel and private practice trademark and IP attorneys; our readership also covers Domain Name companies, IP associations, Educational Facilities and ‘C’ suite executives from all the major trademark owning corporations around the world.
The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is 100% focused on trademarks and related IP and is not diluted with generic IP articles and features. When you advertise your trademark related services within The Trademark Lawyer Magazine you can be sure that your marketing is being seen by the correct audience.
We strongly believe that combining thought provoking editorial features with your advertising strengthens the content and informative qualities of our magazines for your potential clients. This is why advertising in The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is the promotional activity of choice for leading law firms and service providers in the trademark and IP industry. The Trademark Lawyer Magazine recognizes the importance of reaching the correct audiences via multiple platforms. This is why our publication offers many types of advertising and editorial packages.
Display advertising

Directory of Service
Every issue of our magazine contains a Directory of Service section conveniently located at the back of the issue.
The Directory of Service is used by our readers on a regular basis as a reference tool to source the services they need. Listings are valid for one year (six issues) and include: Company logo, company name, address, telephone/fax, email/web, contact names, and a 50-word company profile. All hard copy Directory of Service listings include a complimentary online listing.

Display advertising
Placing a display advert guarantees exposure to your target market.
Adverts are available in Full page, Half Page and Quarter page. Prime positions include: inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover.
Alternatively, you can choose to place your advert alongside your editorial feature. While engaged in the content, your audience will become familiar with and recognize your branding.
Repeat bookings recommended.

Law Firm Rankings
The Trademark Lawyer Magazine carries out extensive research to identify the leading trademark law firms and practices across various jurisdictions to rank the top 10 for each jurisdiction each year. Ranked firms will have the opportunity to place an advert alongside, receive a personalised ‘Award winning law firm’ badge, an online directory profile, and promotion on our social platforms. Find out more here.
Please note: it is not possible to purchase a space in the rankings, firms are selected based on our research.
Online Advertising
The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is duplicated entirely online via interactive PDF which is free-to-read for approximately two months. During this time, all contact information and adverts are directly hyperlinked to the advertiser’s website, creating direct traffic. The magazine is accessible with continued access for subscribers via the latest page-turner technology. Each issue is read between 14,000-19,000 times per issue during the ‘free-to-read’ period, guaranteeing exposure to your target audience. Thereafter the magazine is available online to subscribers.
In addition, The Trademark Lawyer Magazine offers a variety of digital advertising and marketing opportunities →
Social media campaigns
Access new clients via our vast and ever-growing social platforms, tailored to your requirements. Contact us for more information.
Website banners advertising
Your banner on our homepage and sidebar displayed to an average of 10,000 users per month. Linked to your desired landing page, this will bring traffic directly to you.
Weekly Email Newsletter banner and article advertising
Sent to approx. 12,000 IP professionals world wide, your short article or banner is guaranteed to be seen by your target audience. Both include your chosen forwarding link for direct traffic. Packages available and recommended.
Digital Directory of Services:
An online profile highlighting your expertise. Includes your firm’s contact details and branding. Hyperlinked to your website, this feature will drive new traffic directly to you.
Uniquely tailored to your requirements, guaranteed to reach your target audience. Contact us for more information.
Editorial Opportunites

Co-Published Editorial feature
Our most popular editorial opportunity – an editorial feature written by your experts on a topic of your choosing with optional support from our editorial team. These articles, which can be focused on a range of suitable topics, are an ideal vehicle through which to promote your firm and demonstrate your hard-earned expertise in a particular area. Your article will be accompanied by the author bio, headshot, and company contact details, all of which will be hyperlinked in the interactive online edition. Co-authorship accepted.
There is the opportunity to include a full, half, or quarter page advert in or alongside your article.
Package options are available and come recommended.

Bespoke Content Creation Editorial
A two-to-three-page article written by our editorial team based on your proposed topic.
Researched by us, with aid and interviews with your experts, this feature will highlight your experiences and expertise from an unbiased angle.
Contact us for more information.
Want to publish with us but don’t see an option right for you?
Contact us and we can tailor an opportunity for you.

Q&A Style Editorial
A question and answer style article to highlight your expertise in an alternative format. The interview can be conducted and formatted by our editorial team.
Contact us for more information.
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