Google does not fall short

Google does not fall short

Published On 31 October 2024, the High Court of England and Wales handed down its judgment in Shorts International Limited (‘SIL’) v. Google [2024] EWHC 2738 (Ch) regarding Google’s use of ‘Shorts’ in relation to its ‘YouTube Shorts’ service. ‘YouTube Shorts’ launched...
AA Thornton joins forces with Venner Shipley

AA Thornton joins forces with Venner Shipley

Published London, United Kingdom – 19 November 2024 – Leading intellectual property firm AA Thornton is joining forces with Venner Shipley. From 1 December, the combined firm, with a headcount totaling 230 people, will operate under the Venner Shipley...
INTA convenes novel IP rights project team to reimagine IP protection for the modern era 

INTA adopts updated Model Trademark Law Guidelines 

Published New York, New York—November 12, 2024—The Board of Directors of the International Trademark Association (INTA) has adopted a resolution approving comprehensive updates to its Model Trademark Law Guidelines (MLTG), incorporating significant changes in global...

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