Published The name Margon is part of the ancient legacy of Britain. Hundreds of years ago, the Margon family existed with the slogan “Non sibi sed patriae” (not for self, but for country). This slogan was widely known and used in other countries, including,...
Published People are fascinated by tattoos for several reasons: Self-expression: Tattoos are a means of self-expression through creativity and originality. They allow individuals to showcase their personality, beliefs, and experiences in a unique and permanent way....
Published Intellectual property in Russia marches on by fits and starts. The beginning of 2024 showed that the Russian Patent and Trademark Office (Rospatent) received a record number of trademark applications over two months – 19,500 – which is 1.5 times more than...
Published Filing and using trademarks is a multifaceted business. For the most part, entrepreneurs file and obtain trademark registrations to do business without the unfair involvement of other parties. In most cases, they behave in good faith but there are cases...
Published The article focuses on counterfeit nutraceuticals being sold in India on a large scale risking consumers’ health and detrimental to the economy in general and the burgeoning health industry. The various options and remedies available to businesses faced with...
Published Some people believe that copying a trademark and registering it is a wise marketing move. Not so. When some foreign companies left Russia, they left their intellectual property behind and valid. The patent office carefully preserves registrations of patents...
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