Fraudster files a domain complaint against the real domain owner

Fraudster files a domain complaint against the real domain owner

Published Possibly, the first of its kind domain dispute (case no D2024-2516) before the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation where the Complainant was found to have impersonated the Respondent and its vice president Mr. Williams, and fraudulently tried to gain control of...
Bermuda’s revamped trademark law to take effect on January 1, 2025

Bermuda’s revamped trademark law to take effect on January 1, 2025

Published The Bermuda Registry General has officially announced that the much-anticipated new trademark law, the Trade Marks Act 2023, will come into effect on January 1, 2025, replacing the Trade Marks Act 1974. The new law brings with it several significant changes...
Trademark protection isn’t always EASY

Trademark protection isn’t always EASY

Published EasyGroup has been in the news again recently defending its trademark rights – other recently reported conflicts being with EasyLife, which has now settled, and EasyFundraising, which is ongoing. In this particular case, EasyGroup objected to the use...

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