

Address: Otemachi 1st Square West Tower 17F,1-5-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo , 100-0004, Japan.
Phone: +81 3 6840 1536

The Trademark Lawyer Rankings 2023The Trademark Lawyer Rankings 2024




Since the establishment of Asamura IP P.C.  in 1891, we have evolved through three generations into the oldest and one of the most experienced professional patent firms in Japan offering a one-stop shop solution for all IP needs. Our firm managed to build a long-term trust relationship with IP law firms across the globe which allows us to handle Japanese patent and trademark applications from clients anywhere in the world.

We take great pride in delivering exceptionally high quality, handling both inbound and outbound cases, with more than 33 patent attorneys covering technical fields ranging from mechanical engineering, ICT to chemical/biotechnology. Depending on the case and the technology to be patented, we appoint the right patent attorney to act on behalf of our clients because we want to ensure that each case is successful.



Team Members

Masahiro Asamura (Mr)

Senior Managing Partner

Ken Kanai (Mr)

Managing Partner

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