Centro Empresarial Chacarilla, Calle Monterosa 271, Piso 5, Of. 5 ”D”, 15038, Santiago de Surco, Lima 33 , PERU.
Phone: 511 620-4446 / 511 255-4752
Arturo Díaz & Asociados starts in 2007 of the hand of its founder Arturo O. Diaz specialized in matters of Industrial Property, the same one that has consolidated his prestige across the academic rigor in Peru and other Countries of Latin America, and from 2010, as experience and in response to the need to extend the services to our traditional clients of Intellectual Property from Peru to other countries in Latin America from a regional vision, along with our partners and partners we reinvent the practice to regional level and today we can affirm that our experience have turned us into experts into the region into its set, which today allows us to achieve the total satisfaction of our top-level clients of service in all the areas of practice of Industrial Property of national and foreign clients, besides the Corporate and Commercial Law.
In the firm, the experience has allowed us to know a series of legal instruments available to protect your ideas in matters of Industrial and Intellectual Property; the registration of trademarks, patents, industrial designs, utility models, plant varieties and advice on advertising and entertainment, copyright, consumer protection is a versatile practice in our firm, but especially the protection, monitoring and evaluation of disputes and litigation in matters of trademarks, patents, plant breeder right, copyrights, border measures, unfair competition, advertising, investigation and criminal actions against anti-counterfeiting and reproduction and, how you can make use of the legal instruments to protect your organization, makes us capable today of building, preventing and fighting, to be the case, with effective protection of your Intellectual Property.
Our firm with our own team conducting anti-counterfeiting investigations involves identifying and locating suspected violators. Obtaining the evidence necessary to secure confiscation orders for counterfeit products and other court orders to support compliance with our actions.
Team Members
Arturo O. Diaz
Partner Senior
Giovanna Yllanes F.