• The Industry Trademark Report includes a breakdown of the volume of trademark filing across the globe, a Top 50 list of companies filing, and sectoral breakdown of key industries
  • Agricultural Products & Services remains most active sector in 2022

Trademark and brand protection technology business Corsearch has launched its Trademark Industry Report 2023, providing comprehensive data on global trademark filings in 2022, including a breakdown of regional and sectoral trends and a ‘Top 50’ list of the most prolific companies filing trademarks.

The report is compiled from trademark applications data from 187 registries across the world, sectoral comparisons have also uncovered a notable trend in Agricultural Products & Services (including food & beverages), which remains the most active sector for filing.

Agriculture and professional services are key areas for business development

The most prolific industry for trademark filing in 2022 was the Agricultural Products & Services industry, with key companies leading the way including Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd (China), INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS Co. (UAE), PepsiCo (US), Coca-Cola Company (US) and Grupo Bimbo (Mexico).

Across the globe, the five most prolific industries in filing trademark applications were as follows:

  1. Agricultural products and services (including food and beverages);
  2. Management, communications, real estate, and financial services ;
  3. Scientific research, information, and communication technology;
  4. Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics ;
  5. Textiles- clothing and accessories.

Within these industries, the most active product classes in 2022 were:

  1. Advertising and business (management, communications, real estate, and financial services);
  2. Electrical and scientific devices (scientific research, information, and communication technology);
  3. Staple foods (agricultural products and services);
  4. Education and entertainment (leisure, education, and training);
  5. Clothing (Textiles- clothing, and accessories).

No surprise that China has the busiest Intellectual Property Office

In addition, the highest number of trademark applications in 2022 were filed in China, with the US ranking second in terms of activity, followed by Brazil, South Korea, and Mexico. The EU (European Union) and Great Britain placed in 9th and 10th place, respectively.

Corsearch Industry Trademark Report

Considering global companies and their trademark filing activity, Amazon was the most prolific trademark filer from the US (placing 7th in the global table) and the most active European company ranked was LVMH SE (8th). GlaxoSmithKline Plc was the only UK company to make the top 50 most active companies, at 23rd.

Overall, Chinese companies occupied 16 of the top 50 slots for most active companies filing trademarks in 2022. In comparison, US companies occupied 13 of the top 50 slots; Japan, 5; South Korea, 4; Switzerland, 4; Germany, 3; and the UK, Singapore, and UAE each with one entry.

This top 50 list did not change between 2021 and 2022, demonstrating reasonable stability of activity amongst the major filing countries.

Stephen Stolfi, Chairman of Customer & Industry Advisory at Corsearch, commented:

“Our report provides an in-depth analysis of the global trademark landscape, which is a useful barometer of business activity and illustrates some of the key growth areas.

What is measured can be managed, as the saying goes, and for intellectual property law firms and professionals in the sector, this data on the most active sectors for trademark filing should prove extremely valuable for determining business focus in 2023 and in the future.

Food, beverages, and agriculture continue to grow, but advertising and business is also an extremely active area within the management communications, real estate, and financial services industry.

We will see in next year’s report whether different industries see an increase and if this year’s top industries see a shift in their filings.” 


The Trademark Industry Report is compiled from trademark applications data in 187 registries. As a generality, this will also include unpublished applications where relevant.

As always with trademark data, there is a wide variation in the completeness of the information provided. Some unpublished applications can be incomplete or missing altogether. Human errors in completing the applications, such as misspellings can contribute to data quality along with handling errors.

Consequently, the data and analysis provided in this Trademark Industry Report is for the purposes of information only and should not be relied upon for any other purpose. Corsearch, its employees and affiliates accept no liability for improper use of the information provided.

About Corsearch:

Corsearch intelligent Trademark & Brand Protection solutions are revolutionizing how companies commercialize and protect their growth. Trusted by over 5,000 brands and law firms worldwide, Corsearch delivers data, analytics, and services that support brands to market their assets and reduce risks to revenue and consumers. Whether it’s online or offline, Corsearch IP research and protection solutions help customers to secure, monitor, and enforce their IP rights.


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