The Trademark Lawyer


Become an Editorial Board Member for 2025

CTC Legal Media is now accepting applications for our Editorial Board for The Trademark Lawyer Magazines for the 2025 term. We invite applications from enthusiastic and devoted IP professionals who feel that they can make a valuable contribution to our publications direction and be active ambassadors for our publications.

Duties and expectations:

  • To act as an ambassador for the Publication: promote The Trademark Lawyer, our online platforms, events, and newsletter, and the release of every issue (six per year).
  • Directly introduce and encourage in-house clients to our Editor-in-Chief where possible.
  • To suggest relevant topics that should be covered by the publications (on a quarterly basis as minimum) and keep our editorial team up to date on relevant news and developments in your jurisdiction and field for our weekly newsletter.
  • To write four short newsletter articles for our eNewsletter within the year, and be willing to contribute with comment or overview when called upon by our editorial team.
  • To write one short column for the Annual Issue summarizing the year’s IP events in your jurisdiction, to be published in our hard copy magazine.
  • To provide constructive feedback to our Editor-in-Chief on our hard copy magazines throughout the year.
  • To assist with content at short notice should our editorial team be let down by an author. This may include third party advertising.
  • Identify appropriate conferences and events for our publications and representatives to attend.
  • Advise on general improvements and to voice opinions where appropriate.
  • Editorial Board members will be added to an email thread, members will be expected  to act as a community in conversation and to respond promptly to topics relevant to them.


Applicant requirements:

We are looking for knowledgeable, proactive individuals who genuinely want to help shape our publication and assist our editorial team who fit the following requirements:

  • A minimum of five years industry experience.
  • A willingness to help, to be prompt, to participate when called upon, and to be proactive in helping the editorial team.

We are looking for a global panel with a range of experience in sectors including:

  • Consumer goods
  • Automotive
  • Sports
  • Food & drink
  • Fashion/clothing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Technology
  • Digital


Benefits to Editorial Board members:

  • Become a part of a globally renowned publication, recognized and read by leading law firms and esteemed corporations including Facebook, HP, Johnson & Johnson and 3M.
  • Professional profile included in every issue. (Hard-copy and online).
  • Online subscription to access our entire archive.
  • Writing opportunities both in hard-copy, online and for our newsletter.
  • Have genuine input into topics covered.
  • Expand your network to include other Editorial Board members across the globe, sharing knowledge.
  • Gain knowledge and experience as an editorial advisor.


Things to note:

  • The term will begin in January 2025 and will run for one year, renewal is possible but will be reviewed by our editorial team.
  • Inactive board members will not be able to renew their place and may be asked to step down before the end of the term.
  • Members found to not be fulfilling the duties and expectations will be asked to step down.


Applications for the 2025 term will close on the 29th of November 2024.

The term will begin in January 2025.

We hope to respond to all applications, successful or otherwise.

If you would prefer to apply via email download the form here.




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Our weekly newsletter is exclusively based on trademarks, instead of a generic IP newsletter! We also will be including a selection of the top articles from The Trademark Lawyermagazine. Please enter your details below to be included in our mailing list.

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