Published February 21, 2024

On Friday, March 8, 2024, at 11 AM EST, the International Trademark Association (INTA) is celebrating International Women’s Day by hosting a virtual legal clinic focused on entreprenuHERship. 

This online program is a single-day event, designed like a walk-in legal clinic where female entrepreneurs, small to medium enterprises, and non-profits led by women, from anywhere in the world, can consult with volunteer trademark attorneys on a pro bono basis. 

Female entrepreneurs represent the fastest-growing category of entrepreneurship worldwide, making significant contributions to the growth of national economies and disrupting established industries. Despite these positive trends, female entrepreneurs face unique challenges that prevent them from matching the success of their male counterparts, such as a lack of resources and role models, social stereotypes and gender biases, and limited time and skill. 

Register to secure your spot in the program HERE.

Applicants for the clinic will be pre-screened for eligibility. 

INTA Virtual Event

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