The International Trademark Association (INTA) announced today the appointment of Heather C. Steinmeyer as its incoming Chief Policy Officer. Most recently the Vice President and Counsel of Elevance Health, Inc. (f/k/a Anthem, Inc.), Ms. Steinmeyer has been an Association volunteer for more than two decades, serving as INTA President in 2010. She succeeds Bruce MacPherson, who recently retired after serving 29 years in the role.

As Chief Policy Officer, Ms. Steinmeyer will oversee all activities undertaken by the Advocacy Group’s 19 committees. This involves developing strategies and objectives to advance the Association’s Strategic Plan and goals in public policy issues worldwide.

Ms. Steinmeyer began her career in intellectual property (IP) law in private practice at Bell, Boyd & Lloyd (now K&L Gates) in Chicago, Illinois, where she became a partner. She then held multiple roles in the health care industry, first at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and then Anthem, Inc., which subsequently became Elevance Health, Inc., where she was responsible for leading legal teams supporting IP and branding, international businesses, privacy and information security, information technology, and digital solutions.

As an INTA volunteer, Ms. Steinmeyer has a long and distinguished history with the Association. She served in numerous elected leadership and officer positions up to and including the 2010 President and Chair of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. As a Board member from 2001 to 2013 and a member/chair on various committees including the Finance, Commercialization of Brands, Impact Studies, Leadership Development, and Planning Committees, both before and after her presidency, she has shown herself to be a dedicated and productive member of the INTA community for many years.

Notable Association initiatives where Ms. Steinmeyer played a central role include the 2010– 2013 Strategic Plan, development of INTA’s strategy for small- and medium-sized enterprises, the establishment of the Pro Bono Committee and Volunteer Service Award, and the development of new Financial Reserves Policy and Investment Guidelines. Ms. Steinmeyer also served as co-chair of the 2015 Presidential Task Force on Brands and Innovation and the 2018– 2019 Brand Value Special Task Force. She was recognized in the 2017 through 2021 editions of WTR 300 listing of the world’s leading corporate IP professionals.

“We are thrilled to have Heather join the INTA staff as Chief Policy Officer. She brings the right skill set, background, and industry knowledge for the role, but also legal acumen, work ethic, and inspiring leadership that has long been appreciated among the INTA membership and staff,” said INTA CEO Etienne Sanz de Acedo. “Together with Heather, INTA’s Chief Governance Officer Randi Mustello, the Officers, Board, and staff, I look forward to continuing the excellent work of the Association as a trusted and influential advocate for the economic and social value of brands and intellectual property.”

“On a personal level, I have always enjoyed working with Heather in her capacity as an INTA volunteer and admired her professionalism and passion for the Association and IP. I am excited and proud to welcome Heather into her newest role at INTA,” added Mr. Sanz de Acedo. “I look forward to working with her to move our advocacy work forward in new and dynamic directions.”

“I could not be more thrilled with Heather’s appointment. Her tireless contributions on behalf of INTA over many years demonstrate her commitment to the Association’s mission and to advancing IP. Heather is also universally respected within the INTA community. The goodwill and enthusiasm her efforts engender are a testament to what a terrific addition she will be to the staff,” added INTA President Jomarie Fredericks (Rotary International, USA).

“INTA’s mission and community have always inspired and energized me. As a longtime volunteer, I have been humbled by the dedication and professionalism of the staff,” said Ms. Steinmeyer. “I’m delighted to have this opportunity to join them. I look forward to building on the legacy of strong advocacy and thoughtful policy development to propel the Association’s future strategies and success.”

Ms. Steinmeyer will officially join INTA in mid-March 2023.

About the International Trademark Association

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a global association of brand owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and complementary intellectual property (IP) to foster consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation, and committed to building a better society through brands. Members include nearly 6,000 organizations, representing more than 33,500 individuals (trademark owners, professionals, and academics) from 181 countries, who benefit from the Association’s global trademark resources, policy development, education and training, and international network. Founded in 1878, INTA is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Beijing, Brussels, Santiago, Singapore, and the Washington, D.C., Metro Area, and representatives in Amman and New Delhi.


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